Tapping Group on Zoom
Mondays at 7:30-9 pm Pacific Time
Contact Ann for details
Latest Past Events
Know Thyself
The Healing Collective 14888 Peaceful Valley Rd, SonoraWhat is awareness? How aware are you? Do you know? Find out your current level of awareness and learn techniques to expand your awareness – and in the process, become...
Ready to Wake Up?
Runamuck Ranch, Pine Grove. Pine GroveLearn tapping/EFT to release stress, emotions, pain, trauma, etc. Full workshop covering both of Ann's training sessions. Learn the theory behind EFT - how and why we store emotions and...
Insight – the mystical Third Eye
Sol y Breath Wellness Center 14709 Mono Way, SonoraAnn will explain how the outward physical evidence of an open third eye is depicted in society, both modern and ancient, what having an open third eye means, what it...
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